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Bukit Bunuh Meteorite Impact Site
The Bukit Bunuh Impact Landscape is a remarkable geosite that stands as evidence of a meteorite impact that occurred 1.83 million years ago. This extraordinary site features the Impact Reflection Hill and the remnants of an expansive crater complex, spanning an impressive 8 kilometers in diameter. Scientific research reveals that the crater’s floor lies 44 meters below the surface, while the resulting fissures extend as deep as 700 meters. The meteorite strike triggered the formation of a range of unique rocks, including suevite, impact melt rocks, polymictic lithic breccia, quartzite impact rocks, impact metasedimentary rocks, and impact granite rocks.
Recognizing its exceptional archaeological and geological value, Bukit Bunuh was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Visitors can now explore this site under controlled conditions, allowing for the protection and continued study of this ancient impact landscape. Although the site enjoys moderate conservation status, long-term planning is essential to ensure its preservation for future generations.
As a crucial location for geoscience research, archaeological exploration, and public education, Bukit Bunuh offers invaluable insights into both the forces of nature and the early human presence in Southeast Asia. This site is not only a geological marvel but also a significant chapter in the story of human history, making it a must-visit for those seeking to understand the deep past of our planet and its inhabitants.
Lenggong Geopark Gallery
Kampung Baru Kota Tampan,
33400 Lenggong, Perak, Malaysia
Phone: +605 767 7270