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Kampung Gumum – Orang Asli Jakun

Tasik Chini Biosphere Reserve

The Jakun Orang Asli tribe, indigenous to Kampung Gumum in the Tasik Chini area, represents a living testament to the harmonious relationship between humanity and nature. For generations, the Jakun people have relied on the lake and its surrounding forests for their livelihood, practicing shifting agriculture by clearing land (belukar) to grow rice and crops. Supplementing their diet through fishing, hunting, and gathering forest produce, they traded surplus goods with Malays for other essentials. Their traditional practices, folklore, and knowledge of the ecosystem form an integral part of the cultural heritage of Tasik Chini.

Today, the Jakun community is concentrated in Kampung Gumum and nearby villages, with about 600 individuals across 120 families. While some traditions persist, such as small-scale hunting and fishing, modern infrastructure and tourism have significantly influenced their way of life. Despite environmental and societal changes, the Jakun people continue to embody resilience and their enduring connection to Tasik Chini’s natural and cultural heritage.

This interdependence between the Jakun tribe and their natural surroundings perfectly embodies the principles of the UNESCO Man and Biosphere, which recognizes the balance between conservation, sustainable development, and cultural heritage. As custodians of the lake’s resources, the Jakun people play a pivotal role in preserving Tasik Chini’s ecological and cultural integrity, making their way of life an inspiring model for the coexistence of man and nature.


UNESCO Malaysia National Committee
Ministry of Education Malaysia
Level 5 & 7, Complex E, 62604
W.P. Putrajaya, Malaysia.

Phone: +603 8884 6109

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