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The Niah Archaeology Museum is a must-visit for anyone wanting a deeper understanding of the site’s historical significance. Located near the park headquarters, the museum houses a collection of artifacts uncovered during excavations, including tools, pottery, and the famous replica of the Deep Skull. Informative displays and dioramas provide context to the archaeological findings and the cultural heritage of the area. The museum also highlights the scientific processes behind the excavations and ongoing research, making it an educational experience for visitors of all ages.

The museum’s establishment was spearheaded by local and international researchers who sought to preserve and share the rich findings of Niah with the public.

Visitor Tip: Allocate at least 30 minutes to explore the museum exhibits and understand the archaeological context before heading to the caves.


Sarawak Museum Department
Jalan P Ramlee
93400, Kuching, Sarawak

Office Tel: +6082-548181 (Main Office)
Office Tel: +6082-548215 (Borneo Cultures Museum)

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